Born in 1964, Dr. Chen Jining is Professor of Environmental System Analysis. He became a student in Tsinghua University’s Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering in 1981, obtained his bachelor’s degree from Tsinghua in 1986 and his Ph.D degree from Imperial College London, UK in 1993. He worked as a research associate at Imperial College London in 1994. He joined Tsinghua University in 1998 as Vice Dean of the Department of Environmental Science & Engineering and became Dean of the Department in 1999. Dr. Chen was appointed as Tsinghua University Vice President in 2006, Deputy President in 2007, and President in January 2012. He became Secretary of the Party Leadership Group of Ministry of Environmental Protection in January 2015. Dr. Chen was appointed as Minister of Ministry of Environmental Protection of the People’s Republic of China in February 2015.
Dr. Chen’s research interests include environmental system analysis and integrated assessment, with focus on uncertainty analysis, applied to environmental engineering, planning and management as well as policies. He has published over 200 papers and has been an author or co-editor to a number of books. He is an owner to over a dozen of registered environmental software and patents, and has won several scientific prizes for his distinguished work.